Questions To Ask A Colombian Girl On Your First Date (And What to Avoid)

Colombian women are lively, friendly, and sexy. In other words, they are fun to go out with!

Likewise, Colombian girls appreciate a man who is fun to spend time with and fully embraces his confidence and masculine virtues.

One of the best ways to make spending time together more fun and display your confidence is to ask the right questions. There are also specific questions that you should ask a woman from Colombia on your first date to help determine if she’s the right woman for you or not.

So, what are some of the ideal questions to ask a Colombian girl on your first date?

See You At 8?

One of the first questions to ask a Colombian lady should be asked before the date even begins. 

Remember – Colombian girls, like all Latinas, run on ‘Latina Standard Time.’

They are likely to show up thirty minutes to an hour late to just about anything.

It’s always a good idea to confirm the date time a few hours beforehand so she won’t forget.

What Do You Do For A Living?

Perhaps the most straightforward question to begin the conversation at a date is to ask what she does for a living.

You don’t have to spend too much time on this question if you want to take things more personal and romantic, but it’s still a great way to break the ice and get the conversation started.

Do You Have a Dream Career?

Most Colombian women are generally very ambitious and driven. So, if you don’t know what to talk about during the date, this question could be an excellent conversation lifesaver.

Probe her about not only what her dream is but why and what she hopes to achieve in her chosen career path.

If you think you couldn’t possibly fall deeper in love with her, just wait until you see her talk about what she is passionate about.

What Are Some Of Your Goals In Life?

After you’ve discussed what the two of you do for work, it should be very easy to ask her about her major life goals.

Specifically, you can ask if she’s passionate about what she does, why or why not, and what some of her life aspirations are.

What Inspires You?

Finding out what inspires your Colombian babe could tell you a lot about them as an individual. Maybe they are inspired by their family. It could be that they look up to a local idol. It might even be Colombia’s natural beauty that gets their fire going.

This is yet another great date question that will shed some light on what your Colombian princess is passionate about.

And yes, this applies even if your date is not traditionally artistic. Businesswomen and women in other non-artsy careers need inspiration too.

How Big a Part Does Religion Play in Your Life?

Religion is a huge part of Colombian culture, so there is a very strong likelihood that your Colombian date was brought up with a religious foundation.

Whether you are a strong believer yourself or completely agnostic, it is very important that you find out where your partner stands early on in the relationship. Ask her how often she goes to church and what religious traditions she follows. Find out about their spirituality and their related boundaries too.

This information is important mainly as it will help you establish whether or not the two of you are compatible enough to survive as a couple.

What Do You Like To Do In Your Free Time?

What To Say To A Colombian Woman You Like

Questions such as “what do you do for work” and “what are some of your life goals” are certainly reasonable questions to ask on a date, but these are also more professional inquiries.

Once you’re ready to start taking the conversation in a more personal direction, you can ask her what she likes to do in her free time. Very few Colombian women will want to avoid this one!

This question also keeps the conversation focused on her, which is good because she’ll appreciate you showing your interest.

What Is Your Family Like?

Most Colombians and Latin Americans are very traditional and family-oriented people and dating a Colombian woman will be no exception.

Asking her this question communicates that you care about her, and she will likely spend a good amount of time telling you about her parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, and siblings.

Tell Me About Your Childhood

It is a nice question mainly because it is open enough to give your Colombian date the freedom to answer as they please. They may choose to tell you about their childhood trauma and how it shaped them. On the flip side, she may choose to share happier memories to lighten up the mood.

Another awesome thing about this question is that it’s so broad that it gives you plenty to talk about during your date.

What Are Your Friends Like?

Her friends will matter to her just as much as her family, and she will likely spend a lot of time telling you about them and the fun experiences they have shared.

Of course, she’s likely to only tell you about her female friends at first. But once you’ve asked her this, it can serve as a good transition for you to ask the following question then.

Do You Get Jealous Easily?

Colombians are known for being very territorial in their relationships. While jealousy and possessiveness are traits more commonly seen with men, it is common enough in women that you have to establish what you are working with as early as possible.

How your date answers this question will help you understand her boundaries and hopefully not cross them and her in the future. You may also be able to pick up on red flags as too much jealousy can be toxic to your growing relationship.

What’s Your Daily Schedule Like?

There are two key reasons why you need to ask your date this question:

The first is simply to get to know them. Their daily schedule will tell you things like whether they are working daily, what they like to do for fun, how they spend their alone time, and who are the important people in their life.

The second reason it helps to know your date’s schedule is that it allows you to understand how your schedules will work together. It will come in handy when figuring out how and when to spend quality time together.

What’s Your Favorite Thing About Colombia?

Colombians are very patriotic individuals, and they all love their country for different reasons. Some love the culture and the people while others will answer with something like the country’s natural attractions or even its history.

Asking this question will help you learn about the country while showing your date that you are invested in her home and culture.

Make sure also to share some of your favorite things about Colombia if you have traveled there. She will love it. 

Where Do You Prefer to Live – the City or the Countryside?

This is a classic date question, and it will never grow old as it offers a lot of insight. In Colombia, in particular, where the two options vary greatly, it will help you know how to approach your new Latina beau.

Asking this question is important because there are major differences in personalities and expectations between city girls and country girls in Colombia. For example, while city girls are more outgoing and energetic, country girls tend to hold to traditional values and are typically less feisty.

Also, you’ll find out whether your date plans to ever leave Colombia or whether they see their life there instead.

How Many Boyfriends Have You Had?

You should only ask this question once the conversation has become more personal. Don’t make the mistake of asking this too early in the conversation because it is not one of the most appropriate questions.

It’s a good idea to talk about her family and family life first before inquiring about her male friends, romantic life, and past relationship experience.

Take note that to take a date in a more sexual or romantic direction, men will often specifically ask about the number of flings or sexual partners a girl has had.

However, asking her this can come off a bit too strong when you first go out, so stick to the term ‘boyfriends’ instead. You should only inquire about her past sex life until after you’ve had sex.

But if you want to take the conversation in a more romantic direction on your first date, you can instead ask the following.

How Am I Doing?

Don’t be afraid to ask a girl from Colombia how you are doing on your date. Colombian ladies like confident men and asking her this question displays your gutsy side because most men are honestly too nervous to ask it.

Remember that this date is not just about her; it’s about you too. So just don’t ask this question too arrogantly, and you’ll be golden.

If anything, she’ll likely smile and chuckle after you ask her this, and this will take the date in a more lighthearted and romantic direction.

Questions to Avoid on the First Date

How Much Money Do You Make?

It is rude in most cultures to ask about a person’s income, and Colombia is no different. You may end up offending or embarrassing her and souring the mood for the rest of the date.

It is also best to avoid bringing up how much money you make as it can be tacky.

Are You Attracted to Me?

You may not like the answer to this question, so it is best to avoid making things awkward and just steer clear of this question.

Even if you consider yourself attractive and think you will like her answer, it is still best to let such a compliment appear organically in the conversation.

Do You See a Future for Us?

Women in Colombia like to take things slow and steady, and asking this may just freak her out. Also, it could come across as either being too needy or overconfident, and you do not want to be either of these things when dating a Latina woman.

You can find here more questions to break the ice while online dating.

If you are interested in dating women from the South America? Then check out our latest guides:

As a dating expert with a passion for Latin culture, I have dedicated my blog to helping men navigate the exciting world of Latin dating. Through my own experiences and extensive research, I offer tips and advice on everything from flirting and seduction to long-term relationship building. Whether you're looking to impress a beautiful Latina on your first date or you want to keep the spark alive in your long-term relationship, my blog is here to help you succeed in the world of Latin dating.

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